

Grand View Estates was first subdivided in 1956 under the Resident District into 265 lots with 1 and 2 acre sites selling from $695 to $2,800 according to documents found online. Our subdivision is approximately 610 acres and lies within Section 7, Township 6 South, Range 66 West in Douglas County. The majority of the lots are two acres in size with 200’ of lot frontage.

The first well permit filed with the State (according to their website) was in 1956 for Lot 7/Block 17 (a.k.a., 1245 N. 3rd St.).

The Grand View Estates Homeowners Association was formally established in 2001. Annual dues are $25 per household and while they are voluntary, the GEHA Committee hopes that all residents will consider supporting the GEHA in their efforts. We appreciate all past support of residents and remember, in order to vote on any upcoming GEHA issues or elections, you need to be current in your annual dues.

Meeting Schedule

Unless otherwise noted in the calendar, all meetings will be posted on the Grand View Estates closed community FaceBook page.  The GEHA Committee encourages all residents to attend.


Available by contacting the GEHA at their email address.

Budget/Cash Flow Statement – 2024

Attached as a *.pdf is the current GEHA Cash Flow Statement which will be updated quarterly.

Articles of Organization – HOA

The original articles of organization for the GEHA are attached as *.pdf file.


The current by-laws of the GEHA are attached as *.pdf file.

Original Covenants

The original covenants of the GEHA are attached as *.pdf file.

Horse Variance

In June of 1999, the Douglas County Board of Adjustments approved a variance to the minimal lost size of 2.3 acres in order for residents in Grandview Estates to continue to keep horses.

The horse variance letter is attached as *.pdf file

The Colorado Division of Water Resources (DWR), also known as the Office of the State Engineer, issues water well permits and administers water rights.

In addition, the DWR represents Colorado in its interstate water compact proceedings, monitors streamflow and water use, approves construction and repair of dams and performs dam safety inspections, issues licenses for well drillers and assures the safe and proper construction of water wells, and maintains numerous databases of Colorado water information including specific information on each well drilled within Grand View Estates.

Their website is

To find out specific information that has been filed with the State on your well or other wells within Grand View Estates (including specific aquifer, well depth, or well static level, etc.), you can do a well permit search at

Citizen Connect is an online service provided by Douglas County to its residen if you have an issue, concern, or question for Douglas County please fill out the information on this form Online services.  It is monitored by staff during regular business hours only.  It is not an Emergency Response Service (instead dial 9-1-1) or an Abuse Hotline (call 303-688-4825, ext. 2460).

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The purpose of the authority, according to their website, is to assist in the development of water resources and systems, in whole or in part, for the benefit of rural water users and owners of land within the service area.

The area served by the Authority is all of unincorporated Douglas County, excluding service areas of special districts providing water services to the larger population areas. The RWA represents about 8,000 individual well users and 14 small water districts.

There is a lot of great information on their website at https//, including “The Answers to 78 of the Most Common Questions” about the Rural Water Authority, groundwater rights in Douglas County, the State of Colorado’s well water permitting s, and the Denver Basin aquifers.

Meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of each month starting at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are held via Google Meet.

Well Water Adjudication Workshop

The Rural Water Authority of Douglas County held a well water adjudication workshop on November 15th for interested Douglas County residents.  The presentation was by Sarah Klahn, Managing Partner, at the firm of White & Jankowski.  Sarah has been named a “Top Lawyer” by 5280 Magazine in the field of water law, and explained the pros/cons of adjudication as a public service to the RWADC and interested individuals.  Below is a link to the full presentation:


On September 14, 2021, Douglas County separated from the Tri-County Health Department to form its own local public health department with an Intergovernmental Agreement for Tri-County Health to continue providing some public health services through the end of 2022.  Douglas County is now totally independent from Tri-County Health Department.  Besides providing extensive health related services to residents and businesses the health departments also provides a wealth of information on the care and maintenance of your septic and well systems as well as information on testing the quality of your well water.

Septic Systems

On-Site Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) also known as septic systems, treats the wastewater on an individual’s property that cannot be served by a wastewater utility.  The Douglas County Health Department permits the installation, repair, and use of these systems in all areas of the county. To request an inspection, submit completed applications, designs, and other paperwork, or report complaints or concerns of public health significance please email [email protected] .The Douglas County Health

Did you know that the Douglas County Health Department requires that septic tanks be pumped and inspected every four years?  Or that you are not allowed to dump treated waste from an RV into your septic system per County and State regulations?

The following link not only provides detailed information on the care and maintenance of your septic system, but also how to select a septic professional installer, cleaner or pumper.


While the Douglas County Health Department doesn’t issue permits for the construction of your well, again their website at wells/ has a wealth of information on how to care for your well, licensed well drillers and pump installers, how to disinfect a well, and even details on how to test your water quality. Also, there is a toll free “Well Care Hotline” at 888-395-1033 manned by the Water System Council (Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET).

The USGS collects, monitors, analyzes, and provides scientific understanding about natural resource conditions including one of our most important resources – water.

Their diversity of scientific expertise enables them to carry out large-scale, multi-disciplinary investigations and provide impartial information to a variety of entities, including residents of GrandView Estates.

Grandview Estates has been participating in a groundwater-level monitoring program since 2004 as part of a Douglas County-wide program.

As per the report:

Grand View Estates domestic wells are primarily completed in the Dawson and Denver aquifers, which are in the uppermost layers of the Denver Basin aquifer system in this area. Surrounding municipal wells are completed in the Dawson, Denver, Arapahoe, and Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer of the Denver Basin aquifer system. Concern for the effects of pumping on water levels in the Grandview domestic wells led to a cooperative water-level monitoring project between the GERWCD and the USGS.

In 2009, a water-level monitoring network of 14 domestic wells (6 completed in the Dawson aquifer, 8 completed in the Denver aquifer – two of which are also participating in the county-wide program consisting of other county residents on well water) was established in Grandview Estates, and water levels were measured on a regular basis. In 2010, one Dawson well was dropped from the network and six additional domestic wells, all completed in the Dawson aquifer, were added to the water-level monitoring network to provide additional water-level measurements prior to the construction of Chambers Reservoir. In 2011, one additional well completed in the Dawson aquifer was added to the network. In December 2011, transducers were installed in two wells and were programmed to record water levels on an hourly basis. In June 2013, one Dawson well was dropped from the network at the owner’s request. In June 2014, one well was equipped with instrumentation to automatically measure and record the depth to water, water temperature and specific conductance at regular intervals. To date, water levels are routinely measured in 19 domestic wells in Grand View Estates; eleven wells are completed in the Dawson aquifer, and 8 wells are completed in the Denver aquifer.

In 2004 and 2005, water-quality samples were collected by the USGS from two domestic wells in the Grand View Estates subdivision as part of a National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program water-quality characterization study in the Denver Basin.

The full report dated October 11, 2018 is attached as *.pdf file. It includes specific information as to the water levels found by year, including recent information for measurements taken through August 2017. As updated reports are released, they will also now be posted on the website for all residents to review.

GVE 10-17 USGS Water Level Monitoring Report

Extensive additional information is available on their website at:

The Douglas County Conservation District (DCCD) is helping people help the land by promoting projects through education to further the long-term sustainable use of natural resources balancing the needs of agriculture and urban growth.

The DCCD works directly with all residents in the district to help them discover the value of conservation as it relates to their profits, their lives, and their children’s future.

By working closely with landowners, the DCCD can assist in recommending various conservation practices such as windbreaks, including specific seedling tree species selection, grass seed plantings to stop erosion, controlling noxious weeds, and providing products to insure successful plantings. In some cases, financial assistance may be available to offset the cost.

The DCCD meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in their office located on the northeast corner of Highway 83 and Highway 86 in Franktown (same building as the Post Office).

Additional information is available on their website at: